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What is the Difference Between a Fit Note and a Sick Note? Explained – Exploring the Contrast between Fit Note and Sick Note

What is the Difference Between a Fit Note and a Sick Note? Explained – Exploring the Contrast between Fit Note and Sick Note

Are you confused about whether you need a fit note or a sick note for work? A crucial fact to know is that a fit note, officially known as the Statement of Fitness for Work, offers guidance on your ability to work.

This article will clarify the differences between these two important documents and guide you through when and how to obtain them. Keep reading to understand more.

Fit Note vs. Sick Note: What’s the Difference?

When it comes to understanding the difference between a fit note and a sick note, it’s important to know that they serve different purposes. Employers require a fit note when an employee is not well enough to work, while a sick note is provided by healthcare professionals for statutory sick pay purposes.

Definition and purpose of each note

A fit note stands as an official document from a registered healthcare professional, offering a medical opinion on an individual’s ability to work. It acts as a legally binding statement that can be generated by various professionals such as GPs, hospital doctors, nurses, or occupational health experts.

The main aim of the fit note is to outline how someone’s condition affects their work capacity and suggests ways they might return to work with suitable support.

Sick notes, sometimes known interchangeably with fit notes when referring to time off due to illness, primarily served as confirmation of an individual’s illness or injury and were issued for hospital stays.

However, the transition towards fit notes signifies a shift in focus towards understanding and accommodating an employee’s specific health needs in the workplace rather than merely documenting absenteeism due to sickness.

Legal aspects and requirements

The legal aspects and requirements surrounding fit notes and sick notes are vital in understanding their implications. According to UK law, if you are off work sick for more than 7 days, your employer typically requires a fit note from a registered healthcare professional.

This legal requirement ensures that there is medical evidence supporting your absence from work due to illness. The importance of this lies in providing clear documentation to protect both the employee and the employer’s interests.

Additionally, it is crucial to note that fit notes must be issued by specific healthcare professionals such as GPs, hospital doctors, registered nurses, or occupational health professionals.

Compliance with these legal guidelines is essential for individuals seeking time off due to illness while ensuring transparency and legitimacy in support of their absence record.

When Do You Need a Fit Note or Sick Note?

Do you Have a Cold or Flu with Less than Seven Days of Work Absence, or Are You Dealing with an Extended Illness Lasting More Than Seven Days?

Illnesses of less than seven days

If you’re off work due to an illness for less than seven days, you may not need a fit note. Instead, you can self-certify your absence by filling out a form provided by your employer.

This allows you to confirm the duration of your sickness without needing to visit a healthcare professional. Self-certification is legally recognised in these cases and serves as temporary documentation until recovery.

A fit note from a GP or hospital doctor becomes necessary if the illness continues for more than seven days, including weekends. In such instances, it’s crucial to obtain documented medical confirmation of your condition and fitness for work moving forward.

Illnesses of more than seven days

If you’re off work sick for more than 7 days, your employer will usually ask for a fit note from a healthcare professional. This official statement, issued by a GP, hospital doctor, registered nurse or occupational health professional, provides detailed information about an individual’s fitness for work and how their condition affects them.

The aim of the fit note is to offer insights into how the person may return to work with appropriate support.

Moving on to “How to Get a Fit Note or Sick Note” –

How to Get a Fit Note or Sick Note

To obtain a fit note, you should schedule an appointment with your GP or healthcare professional who will assess your condition and provide the necessary documentation. If you require a sick note, make sure to visit your doctor to discuss and obtain the required certification.

Process of obtaining a fit note

To obtain a fit note, the individual needs to schedule an appointment with a GP, hospital doctor, registered nurse, or occupational health professional. During the appointment, the healthcare professional will assess the individual’s condition and provide a medical opinion on their fitness for work. The process involves discussing how the condition affects the individual and exploring potential ways to support their return to work. If necessary, the healthcare professional will issue the fit note, detailing information about the individual’s fitness for work and any required support. The fit note is then provided to the individual for submission to their employer as part of their absence documentation.

Process of obtaining a sick note

To obtain a sick note, you need to book an appointment with your GP or speak to their practice about getting one. You can also request a sick note through an online GP service. When obtaining a sick note, it’s important to provide specific details of your illness and the duration you will be absent from work. The GP will assess your condition and assess whether a sick note is necessary.

After reviewing your case, the GP will issue a sick note indicating the period for which time off work is recommended. This recommendation is relayed in the form of a medical certificate which is given to you directly or emailed to you from the online GP service. Sometimes, further assessment may be required before issuing a sick note to ensure that all pertinent details are included and accurately represent your condition.

Notably, if there are any changes in your condition or need for an extension of time off work, it’s essential to promptly inform your GP for an updated sick note. Additionally, highlighting any specific workplace adjustments needed upon returning can be addressed during this review process.

Seeking timely assessment and communicating effectively with your healthcare provider ensures that the issued sick note accurately reflects your current health status while providing necessary support during your period of absence from work.

Important Considerations Regarding Fit Notes and Sick Notes

When considering fit notes and sick notes, self-certification is important for managing short-term illnesses. Additionally, understanding the process of returning to work after sickness is essential following a period of absence due to illness.

Importance of self-certification

Self-certification is an important aspect when it comes to managing sick leave. Employees are required to provide a self-certificate for any illness lasting up to seven days, without needing to see a doctor.

This allows individuals to take responsibility for their short-term sickness absence, reducing the burden on healthcare professionals and ensuring that accurate records are maintained.

The concept of self-certification is a crucial part of the fit note system. By enabling employees to certify their own absences within specified timeframes, it streamlines the process and ensures that formal medical attention is sought only when necessary.

Additionally, self-certification helps in establishing transparency between employers and employees regarding sickness absence, contributing towards maintaining a clear record of staff wellbeing.

Returning to work after sickness

After a sickness absence lasting more than seven days, employees are usually required to provide a fit note from a healthcare professional. This document provides detailed information on the individual’s fitness for work and how their condition may affect them.

It offers pertinent guidance on returning to work with appropriate support, ensuring a smoother transition back into the workplace.

It is essential for employers and employees to be aware of the requirements outlined in fit notes after extended periods of sickness absence as they play a crucial role in facilitating an effective return to work process.

This includes understanding how the condition affects the individual and providing suitable support for their reintegration into work routines.

Moving forward, let’s explore considerations surrounding long-term sickness and dismissal.

Long-term sickness and dismissal

If an employee is on long-term sickness, a fit note can provide detailed information about their fitness for work and how the condition affects them. It also outlines how they might return to work with appropriate support.

Employers should consider making reasonable adjustments or providing suitable alternative work for employees with long-term health conditions. Dismissal due to long-term sickness may be considered as a last resort after all other options have been explored.

[Next heading]: Conclusion


Understanding the difference between a fit note and a sick note is crucial for navigating work absence documentation. The fit note, issued by healthcare professionals such as GPs, offers detailed information on an individual’s fitness for work and how their condition affects them.

In contrast, a sick note may be provided by hospitals to cover hospital admissions but does not provide the same level of detail regarding returning to work. It’s important to know when each type of note is applicable and how they can support individuals during sickness or injury.


1. What is a Fit Note and a Sick Note?

A fit note, also known as a doctor’s note or health practitioner’s statement, is given by your physician to confirm your fitness for work after an illness or hospital admission. A sick note, often referred to as sickness certificate or absence form, confirms that you are not well enough to work.

2. How does the content of a Fit Note differ from that of a Sick Note?

While both documents are forms of health declaration made by healthcare professionals; the fit note details any adjustments needed at work due to your condition while the sick note simply states you’re unfit for duty due to illness.

3. Why would I need either a Fit Note or Sick Note?

You might need these notes if you’ve been ill and unable to attend work. The sick leave form explains your absence while the fit note can provide necessary information about any special requirements upon return.

4. Can anyone other than my doctor issue me with these notes?

Typically, it’s a qualified healthcare professional who issues such documentation like physician’s declaration or medical excuse following an appropriate health evaluation.

5. Are there penalties for not providing these when required by my employer?

Yes! If requested and not provided, it could affect aspects like pay during time off and even job security in some cases depending on workplace policies around illness report and work clearance.