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Understanding the Process of Sick Note When Not Working

Understanding the Process of Sick Note When Not Working

Getting sick and being unable to work can be stressful. If you’re absent from work for more than 7 days due to illness, your employer will usually require a medical certificate. Our article guides you through the process of managing sick leave, from self-certifying to obtaining a fit note.

Read on for clear advice.

What is a sick note and when is it required?

A sick note, also known as a doctor’s note or medical certificate, is an official document issued by a healthcare professional verifying an individual’s illness and their inability to work.

It is required when an employee is absent from work due to health problems and needs documentation for sick pay entitlement or absence management purposes.

Definition of a sick note

A sick note, often referred to as a fit note or a doctor’s note, acts as official documentation from healthcare professionals. It confirms that an individual has health problems significant enough to justify absence from work.

This document is crucial for employees and employers alike, facilitating statutory sick pay and absence management in the workplace. If someone has been ill for more than seven consecutive days including weekends and bank holidays, obtaining this note becomes necessary to validate their sickness and subsequent time off work.

Produced by GPs or hospital clinicians, fit notes detail how an illness affects someone’s ability to perform at work. They may propose adjustments or changes needed for the employee’s return.

Suggestions can include a phased return to work or modifications to duties and working hours. These recommendations are vital not only for supporting the employee through their recovery but also in managing sickness absence effectively within an organisation.

The importance of these documents is underscored by policies requiring employees to present them after a week-long illness to qualify for support like statutory sick pay.

When is it needed?

After the first seven days of a period of sickness absence, an employer can require an employee to provide a fit note or other acceptable proof. If you’re off work sick for more than 7 days, your employer will usually ask for a fit note from a healthcare professional.

Employees must give their employer a fit note if they’ve been ill for more than 7 days in a row and have taken sick leave. A fit note is required when the absence exceeds this duration and serves as evidence for the continuation of medical leave.

In instances where employees do not wish the employer to see their medical information, employers must base their decision on the information they have. Before reaching this stage, it’s vital to comply with the requirement once it arises under workplace absence policy guidelines while seeking appropriate medical attention.

Important Things to Know About Sick Notes

Understanding Sick Notes: Changes in Policy and General Rules. Situations such as changes in policy and general rules regarding sick notes can affect employees, making it essential to stay informed about these adjustments.

Familiarising yourself with these updates ensures you understand the ever-evolving realm of employee absence management.

Changes in policy

The policy surrounding sick notes has changed, with the requirement for a fit note being necessary after just seven days of sickness absence. Employers have the authority to demand a fit note or another acceptable proof following this timespan, making it crucial for employees to adhere to these regulations.

Fit notes are legally binding documents produced by healthcare professionals that provide vital information on an employee’s ability to work and any adjustments needed, ensuring adherence to the evolving policy.

This shift in policy underlines the importance of managing sickness absence effectively within the workplace. Employers must be prepared for this change and understand when they can request a fit note or alternative documentation from their staff members, as outlined in the newly implemented guidelines.

General rules

Employees do not need a sick note from their GP if they are off work for up to one week (5 working days). However, after the first seven days of sickness absence, an employer can ask for a fit note or other acceptable proof.

Fit notes, also known as sick notes, are legally binding documents provided by healthcare professionals to support employees unable to work due to illness. These notes outline how the condition affects the ability to work and may suggest adjustments needed for a return to work, such as phased returns or changes in duties or hours.

Strict rules apply when it comes to managing sickness absence in the workplace. Employers have the right to request fit notes or alternative proof after 7 days of continuous sick leave.

Based on this information and considering relevant keywords such as “fit note” and “sick leave policy,” employers must make decisions pertaining to an employee’s health-related absence from work.

Getting a Sick Note

Obtaining a sick note involves self-certification for short-term illnesses or consulting a doctor to obtain a fit note. Other forms of proof, such as a letter from the hospital, can also be used to support your sickness absence.


When you’re off work due to illness, for the first 7 days, you can self-certify without needing a sick note from your GP. Self-certification is a simple way to notify your employer about your absence from work due to sickness. Here are some important points about self-certification:

  1. It allows employees to declare their own sickness using provided forms or by following company procedures.
  2. Employers should have a system in place for employees to record their absences and return-to-work dates.
  3. Self-certification eliminates the need for a doctor’s appointment and provides flexibility for minor illnesses.
  4. Employees must follow the company policy and provide accurate information when self-certifying their sickness absence.
  5. It’s crucial for employers to respect employee privacy when dealing with self-certification, ensuring that personal medical details remain confidential.
  6. The process of self-certification does not involve any medical evidence but relies on the employee’s honest declaration of their illness.
  7. Some companies may require a self-certification form to be submitted before an employee returns to work.

Returning back after sickness – Fit for work assessment

Understanding the Process of Sick Note When Not Working: Fit for Work

Obtaining a fit note

To obtain a fit note when not working, consider the following:

  1. Self-Certification: For sickness absence of up to 7 days, you can fill in a self-certification form from your employer and do not require a fit note from your GP.
  2. Fit Note Requirement: After being off work for more than 7 days, employees must provide their employer with a fit note from a healthcare professional.
  3. Content of Fit Note: The fit note issued by a GP or hospital clinician details how the illness affects your ability to work and any necessary adjustments.
  4. Return-to-Work Plans: A fit note may suggest modifications to facilitate returning to work, such as phased returns or changes in duties or hours.
  5. Importance in Absence Management: Fit notes play a crucial role in managing sickness absence within the workplace.

The process of obtaining a fit note involves seeking medical advice and providing the required documentation to your employer.

Other proof of sickness

When an employee is unable to obtain a fit note, there are other acceptable forms of evidence for sickness. This may include letters from specialists or hospital doctors, but could also include prescriptions or appointment cards as proof of illness.

Employers should consider these documents genuinely when evaluating an employee’s absence due to illness.

Additionally, if an employee cannot provide a fit note despite seeking medical advice, they must explain this to their employer and supply any evidence available such as correspondence with healthcare professionals or information about ongoing treatment.

Moreover, this can help the employer understand the situation and make appropriate decisions regarding the sickness absence policy.

In conclusion, it is important for employers to be flexible and understanding in cases where obtaining a fit note might not be possible, while ensuring that other proof of illness is assessed appropriately.

Returning to Work after Sick Leave

Returning to work after sick leave involves a fit for work assessment to ensure readiness. Managing sickness absence and disputes will be important, as well as accessing help and support available.

Fit for work assessment

When an employee is preparing to return to work after a period of sickness absence, a fit for work assessment serves as an important part of the process. A fit for work assessment involves a healthcare professional evaluating the employee’s health and determining their capability to perform specific duties. This assessment aims to ensure that the employee’s return to work is safe and appropriate for their current health condition. Here are some key points about the fit for work assessment:

  1. The assessment evaluates the employee’s medical condition and provides information on how it affects their ability to work.
  2. It may suggest adjustments or accommodations that could support the employee in returning to work, such as a phased return or modifications to their duties.
  3. A healthcare professional conducts the assessment and communicates with both the employer and the employee, ensuring transparency and understanding of the individual’s health status.
  4. The findings of the fit for work assessment help guide decisions regarding the employee’s capabilities and any necessary support they may require upon returning to work.

Employers should consider these factors when planning for an employee’s return to work, using the insights from the fit for work assessment as a foundation for providing appropriate support and accommodations.

Managing sickness absence and disputes

If an employee is unable to work due to illness, managing sickness absence and disputes can be a complex process. It’s essential for both the employer and the employee to understand their rights and responsibilities. Here are some important points to consider:

  1. Fit notes serve as legally binding documents, providing information on how the employee’s condition affects their ability to work and any necessary adjustments.
  2. Employers must base their decisions on the information available if an employee prefers not to disclose their medical information.
  3. After the first 7 days of sickness absence, employers can require a fit note or other acceptable proof from employees.
  4. Fit notes may suggest ways for the employee to return to work, such as a phased return or adjustments to duties or hours.
  5. Disputes regarding sickness absence should be handled through open communication between the employer and the employee with possible involvement of HR or other relevant parties.
  6. Employers should provide support during an employee’s return to work after sick leave, offering help in understanding fit notes and making appropriate adjustments if needed.
  7. If there are disputes or disagreements related to sickness absence, seeking guidance from legal professionals or mediation services may be necessary.

Help and support available

After managing sickness absence and disputes, it’s crucial to seek assistance and support when dealing with sick notes. Employees can benefit from seeking guidance from their GP or healthcare professional for any questions regarding fit notes.

Employers should offer support by providing clear information on the process of obtaining a fit note and returning to work after sick leave. Additionally, both parties can seek advice from organisations such as Acas (Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service) for expert guidance on handling sick notes and return-to-work procedures.

It’s paramount that employees are aware of the available resources provided by their employers to assist them during times of illness. Seeking help ensures a smoother transition back into the workplace, guaranteeing that all necessary steps are taken in line with company policy.


Understanding the Sick Note Process When Not Working

Obtaining a sick note is essential if you’re off work due to illness for more than 7 days. You can self-certify for up to 1 week, but after that, your employer may require a fit note from a healthcare professional.

This legally binding document provides information about your condition and suggestions for returning to work. Managing sickness absence effectively requires understanding these steps and providing necessary documentation.


1. What is self-certifying in the context of sick leave?

Self-certifying is a process where an employee informs their employer about their illness and absence from work, without needing a doctor’s excuse.

2. How does the return to work process operate after being on sick leave?

The return to work process involves communication between the employee and employer about the individual’s health status, readiness to resume duties, and any necessary adjustments or support needed at work.

3. What role does a doctor’s excuse play in sick leave policy?

A doctor’s excuse typically comes into play if an employee has been off sick for more than seven days, including non-working days. It serves as official proof of illness required by employers.

4. Can you explain what illness notification means?

Illness notification refers to informing your employer that you’re unwell and won’t be able to attend work due to sickness.