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Does a Doctor’s Sick Note Include Weekends? Understanding Sick Leave and Fit Note Guidance

Does a Doctor’s Sick Note Include Weekends? Understanding Sick Leave and Fit Note Guidance

Wondering if a doctor’s sick note includes weekends? It’s an issue many face when they’re off work due to illness. Interestingly, if you’re off sick for more than 7 days, your employer will likely ask for a fit note from a healthcare professional; this counts all calendar days, including weekends and bank holidays.

Our article sheds light on the nuances of sick leave and offers guidance on handling fit notes with ease. Let’s get started!

Understanding Sick Leave

Sick leave allows employees to take time off work due to illness or injury. Weekends and bank holidays are typically included in sick leave, but self-certification can be used for short-term absences.

What is sick leave?

Sick leave allows employees to stay home from work without losing pay when they are unwell. An employer might require a doctor’s note or medical certificate if the absence extends beyond 7 days, signalling serious health issues.

For shorter illnesses lasting up to 7 calendar days, including weekends and bank holidays, workers can self-certify their absence. This process involves informing the employer about the sickness without needing formal documentation from healthcare professionals.

Employers use sick notes and fit notes to validate absences due to illness.

Next on our agenda is understanding how weekends and bank holidays factor into calculating sick leave.

Do weekends and bank holidays count?

Weekends and bank holidays do count when calculating how long you have been off sick. For instance, if someone is off sick for seven calendar days or less, this includes weekends. If the absence extends beyond seven days, a fit note from a healthcare professional becomes necessary as evidence of the inability to work due to illness.

It’s important for employees to adhere to these guidelines and obtain a fit note if needed.

The fit note guidance also states that employers can use the fit note when an employee has been absent due to illness. The guidance underlines the importance of obtaining fit notes from healthcare professionals for absences lasting more than seven days, which should include weekends and bank holidays in its calculation.

Self-certification for short-term absences

If you’re off sick for seven days or less, including weekends and bank holidays, you don’t need a fit note. In these cases, employees can self-certify their sickness without the need to obtain a note from a healthcare professional.

This self-certification process is applicable when an employee is absent from work due to illness for up to 7 days.

Moving on to “The Role of Fit Notes” section…

The Role of Fit Notes

The doctor provides a fit note. It states whether an employee is fit for work or not and may suggest adjustments to help with the return to work process.

Getting a fit note from a doctor

When you’re off work sick for more than 7 days, you need to obtain a fit note from a healthcare professional. The fit note, also known as the Statement of Fitness for Work, is crucial if your absence from work exceeds a week.

It provides evidence of your inability to work due to illness and should be obtained following the guidelines provided in the fit note guidance for employees. This process ensures that your employer receives the necessary certification when an extended period of sickness affects your ability to work.

Obtaining a fit note is essential for absences lasting longer than 7 days and includes weekends and bank holidays when calculating this duration. As part of managing sickness absence, it’s important for employers and employees to understand how the fit note plays a vital role in certifying prolonged periods of illness-related leave.

What a fit note says

A fit note, also known as a Statement of Fitness for Work, is required when an employee is off work due to illness for more than 7 days. This medical certification provides evidence of the employee’s inability to work and should be obtained from a healthcare professional.

The fit note guidance emphasises that the seven-day period includes days that are not typically worked, such as weekends and bank holidays. Employers use this documentation to manage sickness absence effectively and determine sick pay entitlements in accordance with the company’s sick leave policy.

Additionally, it offers essential information on how to handle absences from work due to illness, supporting both employees and employers in navigating absence management.

The fit note serves as specific evidence of an employee’s incapacity for work sustained through consultation with a healthcare professional; it underpins effective absence management while taking into account sick pay entitlements according to established policies.

When to consider a fit note

In order to consider a fit note, it’s important to note that the guidance states individuals need this certification if off work for more than 7 days due to illness. The fit note serves as evidence of an employee’s inability to work due to illness.

It must be obtained from a healthcare professional, and employers use it when an employee has been absent from work because of sickness. Additionally, the fit note is required for illnesses extending beyond seven days, providing employees with essential guidance on handling absences caused by sickness in the workplace.

Handling Long-Term Sickness

Handling Long-Term Sickness involves obtaining a fit note for longer absences, exploring other proof of sickness options, and understanding sick pay entitlements. Read on to explore this in detail.

Getting a fit note for longer absences

For absences lasting longer than 7 days due to sickness, employees are required to obtain a fit note from a healthcare professional. The fit note should provide evidence of the employee’s inability to work and is essential for handling prolonged sickness absences.

  1. Employees must obtain a fit note from a healthcare professional when they have been off work sick for more than 7 days.
  2. The fit note, also known as the Statement of Fitness for Work, is necessary to provide evidence of the employee’s incapacity to work due to illness.
  3. It is important to adhere to the guidelines for obtaining a fit note when on long-term sick leave, as it serves as proof of illness for employers and helps in determining sick pay entitlements.
  4. In cases of extended sickness absence, employees should ensure that they consult with a healthcare professional promptly to obtain a fit note in order to comply with the regulations and receive proper support during their absence from work.
  5. Employers can use the fit note as part of their process for managing long-term sickness absence and supporting employees in their return-to-work efforts.
  6. When an employee is facing an extended period of sickness absence, obtaining a fit note from a healthcare professional is crucial not only for providing evidence but also for ensuring that the individual receives appropriate assistance and consideration during their recovery period.

Keywords: Fit note, healthcare professional, prolonged sickness absences, Statement of Fitness for Work, proof of illness, employers, regulations, support, return-to-work efforts

Exploring other proof of sickness options

To provide evidence of sickness absence, employees can explore other proof options:

  1. Before the 7-day mark, they can self-certify for short-term absences, including weekends and bank holidays.
  2. For absences longer than 7 days, a Statement of Fitness for Work (fit note) from a healthcare professional is required.
  3. The fit note serves as evidence of an employee’s inability to work due to illness.
  4. Employers expect adherence to guidelines for obtaining fit notes when off sick.
  5. Other proof options may include medical reports or assessments from healthcare professionals.

This approach helps in handling absences from work due to illness effectively and ensures compliance with the necessary guidance.

Next… Handling Long-Term Sickness

Sick pay entitlements

When off sick, employees may be entitled to sick pay. Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) is paid by employers for up to 28 weeks, provided the employee meets certain criteria. To qualify for SSP, an employee must be absent from work due to illness for at least four consecutive days.

The current rate of SSP is £95.85 per week and it’s payable from the fourth day of absence.

Employers are required to provide SSP if an employee earns at least £120 a week. When an employee’s sickness extends beyond the period covered by SSP, they may be eligible for additional support such as company sick pay or insurance-based benefits through their employer’s scheme.

Employees are advised to familiarise themselves with their entitlements in cases where long-term absences are anticipated, as well as explore any available options for financial support during extended periods of illness.

Returning to Work

Returning to work after a period of sickness requires careful planning and consideration. Employers should provide support for employees, including making adjustments to their workload or workspace if necessary.

Managing sickness absence

  • Employers should have clear policies in place for managing sickness absence, including procedures for reporting and documenting absences.
  • Regular communication with the employee during their absence is crucial to stay updated on their condition and anticipated return to work date. This can help in making necessary arrangements for cover or support.
  • Monitoring and recording sickness absence is essential for identifying any recurring patterns or prolonged absences that may require further investigation.
  • Employers need to handle each case of sickness absence sensitively and ensure the confidentiality of the employee’s health information.
  • Providing support to employees on sick leave, such as access to company policies, procedures, and available support services, can aid in their recovery process.

Moving ahead to “Dismissing a long-term sick employee,” it’s vital for employers to adhere to legal requirements when considering terminating an employment contract due to long-term sickness.

Dismissing a long-term sick employee

Having the Fit Note guidance in mind, employers must follow a proper procedure when dismissing a long-term sick employee. It is vital to understand that dismissal should be the last resort and can only occur after considering all other options.

When an employee has been on long-term sick leave, it’s crucial for employers to seek medical advice from healthcare professionals before making any decisions regarding dismissal. The fit note or Statement of Fitness for Work plays a key role in this process as it provides evidence of the employee’s inability to work due to illness, therefore aiding in determining whether continued employment is feasible.

Additionally, it’s essential for employers to handle such situations with care and consideration while adhering to employment laws and regulations.

When considering the possibility of dismissing a long-term sick employee, obtaining evidence through fit notes and exploring alternative options are critical steps in ensuring fair treatment.

Employers need to remain informed about their employees’ health status through fit notes obtained from healthcare professionals while reviewing other proof of sickness options during extended absences.

Sick pay entitlements under such circumstances also require careful examination based on the guidelines provided by fit note guidance – ensuring that employees receive fair compensation during times of illness.

Support for employees returning to work

When employees are ready to return to work after a period of illness, they may need support and guidance. Here are the key ways in which employers can provide assistance:

  1. Flexible Return: Employers should consider offering a phased return to work, allowing employees to gradually reintegrate into their roles.
  2. Occupational Health Support: Access to occupational health services can help employees receive specialist advice on managing their return to work.
  3. Reasonable Adjustments: Employers should make reasonable adjustments to support employees with disabilities or health conditions returning to work.
  4. Employee Well-being Programs: Offering employee well-being programs can support the transition back to work and help maintain overall employee health.
  5. Communication and Guidance: Providing clear communication about expectations and resources available for returning employees can ease the process.
  6. Training and Development: Offering training opportunities can ensure that returning employees feel up-to-date with any changes that occurred during their absence.
  7. Workplace Adaptations: Making necessary workplace adaptations based on individual needs can promote a smooth return to work.
  8. Mental Health Support: Providing access to mental health resources is crucial in supporting employees’ mental well-being as they return to the workplace.

By providing these supports, employers foster an environment where returning employees feel supported and valued as they reintegrate into the workforce.


Understanding sick leave and fit note guidance is crucial for both employees and employers. Remember, when off work sick for more than 7 days, you usually need a fit note from a healthcare professional.

It’s important to include weekends and bank holidays when calculating the duration of your sickness absence. Employers rely on fit notes to manage employee absences due to illness, so ensure you understand the guidelines for obtaining one.

Adhering to these guidelines will help navigate the complexities of managing sickness absence in the workplace effectively.


1. Does a doctor’s sick note include weekends?

Yes, a doctor’s sick note includes weekends. The health certificate given by the doctor covers all days of the week when you’re not fit for work.

2. How does self-certifying work in understanding sick leave and fit note guidance?

Self-certifying is when an employee informs their employer that they are ill and unable to come to work without needing a doctor’s certification for the first 7 days of absence.

3. What is meant by ‘fit for work assessment’ in relation to medical leave?

A ‘fit for work assessment’ is an evaluation carried out by a healthcare professional to determine if an employee can perform their duties or needs more time off due to illness.

4. Can I get a sick note certificate on my day off, like during the weekend?

Yes, you can get your sick note certificates even on your day off or over the weekend as it reflects your fitness status rather than being tied with weekdays only.