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Sick Notes And Exam Deferrals In Universities

Sick Notes And Exam Deferrals In Universities

Are you worried about missing an exam due to illness? Many students face this issue. Universities often allow exam deferrals with a doctor’s note. This blog post will guide you through the process of requesting a deferral.

Learn how to handle sick notes and exam delays at uni.

Understanding Exam Deferrals

A cluttered study desk with textbooks, notebooks, and a calendar.

Exam deferrals give students a chance to take tests later. They help when life gets in the way of your studies.

Definition of a deferral

A deferral in universities lets students delay an exam or assessment. It’s a way to help students who can’t take a test due to illness or other big problems. The Open University and other schools offer this option.

Students must ask for a deferral before the exam date. They may need to show proof, like a doctor’s note. Deferrals are not for small issues. They are for serious events that stop a student from doing their best work.

Deferrals can cover many types of tests. These include final exams, coursework, and even postgraduate dissertations. Each school has its own rules about deferrals. Some let students delay for a few days.

Others might push the test to the next term. The goal is to give students a fair chance to show what they know.

Key reasons for requesting a deferral

Students often need to defer exams for valid reasons. Here are key reasons why students ask for exam deferrals:

  1. Illness: Students who are too sick to sit for an exam can ask for a deferral. They may need a doctor’s note to prove they are unwell.
  2. Mental health issues: Stress, anxiety, or other mental health problems can affect a student’s ability to take exams. These are valid grounds for deferral.
  3. Bereavement: The loss of a loved one can be very hard. Unis often allow students to defer exams if they are dealing with grief.
  4. Family emergencies: Sudden family issues, like a sick parent or child, can make it hard to focus on exams.
  5. Learning difficulties: Some students may need more time due to learning challenges. They can ask for a deferral to get the support they need.
  6. Accidents or injuries: If a student gets hurt and can’t write or type, they may need to defer their exam.
  7. Travel problems: Sometimes, students can’t make it to an exam due to transport issues. This can be a reason for deferral.
  8. Religious observances: Some exams may clash with important religious dates. Students can ask to defer in these cases.
  9. Work commitments: Part-time students might have work duties that clash with exam times. They can request a deferral for this reason.
  10. Technical issues: For online exams, computer or internet problems can be grounds for deferral.

These reasons show why students might need to defer their exams. Let’s look at how to apply for a deferral next.

The Process of Requesting a Deferral

Asking for an exam deferral can be tricky. You need to know the steps and follow them closely.

How to apply for a deferral

Applying for a deferral is a key step when you can’t take an exam. Here’s how to do it:

  • Find your school’s deferral form online or at the admin office.
  • Fill out the form with your name, student ID, and exam details.
  • State why you need to defer. Be clear and honest.
  • Get proof if needed. This could be a doctor’s note or other papers.
  • Submit the form before the deadline. Late forms may not be accepted.
  • Wait for a reply from the school. They will tell you if it’s approved.
  • If approved, ask when you’ll take the exam later.
  • Keep all emails about your deferral. You might need them later.
  • Tell your teachers about your deferral. They can help you catch up.
  • Stay in touch with the school. Ask if you need to do anything else.

Now let’s look at the deadlines for deferral requests.

Deadlines for submitting deferral requests

Universities set strict deadlines for exam deferral requests. Students must submit their forms well before the exam date. Most schools ask for these requests at least 24 hours prior to the test.

Some may allow last-minute appeals in extreme cases. It’s vital to check your school’s rules early.

Late submissions often face rejection. This can lead to missed exams or poor grades. Students should plan ahead and gather any needed proof quickly. The next step after meeting deadlines is understanding what happens once you’ve sent your request.

What happens after submitting a deferral request

After you send in a deferral request, the uni will look at it closely. They check if your reasons are good enough. A panel will decide if you can take the exam later. They might ask for more proof, like a doctor’s note.

If they say yes, you’ll get a new date for your exam. This could be weeks or months later.

The uni will tell you their choice by email. If they say no, you must take the exam as planned. But if they say yes, you’ll need to prepare for the new date. The school may offer help during this time.

You can use study spaces and talk to teachers. It’s smart to stay ready for your deferred exam.

Criteria for Exam Deferrals

Exam deferrals have clear rules. Schools look at each case to decide if it’s fair.

Acceptable grounds for deferrals

Universities allow students to defer exams for valid reasons. Here are some acceptable grounds for deferrals:

  • Illness: Students can ask to delay an exam if they are too sick to take it. They need a doctor’s note to prove this.
  • Mental health issues: Stress, anxiety, or depression can be good reasons to defer. Schools often ask for proof from a mental health expert.
  • Family emergencies: A death or serious illness in the family may let a student delay their exam.
  • Accidents or injuries: If a student gets hurt and can’t sit for long, they may get a deferral.
  • Religious observances: Some schools let students defer if an exam clashes with an important religious event.
  • Technical problems: For online exams, major internet or computer issues might be valid grounds.
  • Natural disasters: Events like floods or fires that affect a student’s ability to take the exam can be accepted.
  • Military service: Students called for duty may be allowed to defer their exams.
  • Pregnancy or childbirth: Schools often grant deferrals for these life events.
  • Learning difficulties: Some students with special needs may get extra time or deferrals.

These are just some of the reasons schools might accept for exam deferrals. Let’s look at what happens after a deferral request is made.

Unacceptable grounds for deferrals

While some reasons for exam deferrals are valid, others are not. Let’s look at what schools won’t accept as grounds for putting off a test.

  • Poor time management: Schools expect students to plan their study time well.
  • Minor illness: A slight cold or headache isn’t enough to skip an exam.
  • Travel plans: Booking a trip during exam time isn’t a good reason to defer.
  • Work commitments: Jobs shouldn’t clash with set exam dates.
  • Forgetting the exam date: Students must keep track of their test schedule.
  • Computer issues: Technical problems aren’t usually accepted as a valid excuse.
  • Oversleeping: Arriving late due to sleeping in isn’t a fair reason to defer.
  • Stress or anxiety: Unless severe, normal exam nerves aren’t grounds for deferral.
  • Lack of preparation: Not feeling ready for the test isn’t an acceptable reason.
  • Minor transport issues: Small delays in getting to the exam venue aren’t valid excuses.

Outcomes of Deferral Requests

Deferral requests can go two ways. You might get a yes or a no.

Consequences of a rejected deferral

A rejected deferral can have serious effects on a student’s marks. If the university turns down a request, the student must take the exam as planned. This could lead to poor results if the student is unwell or facing tough times.

In some cases, a failed exam might mean retaking the whole course.

Students who miss an exam without approval may get a zero score. This can hurt their overall grades and slow down their progress. It’s vital to know the rules for deferrals and have strong proof when asking for one.

Mental illness and other health issues are often valid reasons for a deferral.

Rescheduling of deferred assessments

After a rejected deferral, students must plan for their next steps. This often leads to rescheduling deferred assessments. Unis set new dates for these exams. They try to fit them into the next exam period.

Students need to check their uni’s rules about this. Some schools may have special times for make-up tests.

Rescheduling can be tricky. It depends on many things. The uni’s calendar is one factor. The type of exam matters too. Some tests are harder to reschedule than others. Students should talk to their tutors about this.

They can also ask student support for help. It’s key to stay in touch with the uni during this time.

Support and Resources

Unis offer help when you need to delay exams. You can find info on who to talk to and how to get support.

Access to university services during deferral

During a deferral, students can still use many uni services. The library stays open for study and research. Health centres offer care if needed. Student support teams are there to help with any issues.

Counselling services remain available for those feeling stressed. These services aim to keep students on track despite delays.

Unis want to support learners through tough times. They offer online tools to access course materials from home. IT help desks can fix tech problems remotely. Career centres give advice on job hunts by phone or email.

Tutors often hold virtual office hours for questions. These aids ensure students don’t fall behind while waiting for new exam dates.

Contact information for student support

Universities offer help for students who need support. You can find contact details for student services on your uni’s website. Most schools have a special office for exam issues. They can guide you on sick notes and exam delays.

Some unis have online forms to ask for help. Others may want you to call or visit in person. It’s smart to save these contacts in your phone. This way, you can reach out fast if you need to.

Student support teams are there to assist you. They can explain the rules for exam delays. These teams also help with other school problems. You might talk to them about learning troubles or personal issues.

Many unis have 24-hour helplines for urgent needs. Don’t be shy to ask for help when you need it. Your school wants you to do well and stay healthy.

Obtaining a Sick Note for Exam DeferralGetting a sick note for exam deferral is key for students. Here’s how to get one:

  1. See a doctor when you’re ill. Tell them about your exam and ask for a note.
  2. Make sure the note has your name, date, and why you can’t take the exam.
  3. Get the note before your exam if you can. If not, get it as soon as you feel better.
  4. Give the note to your school right away. Don’t wait too long or they might not accept it.
  5. Keep a copy of the note for your records. You might need it later.
  6. Check if your school needs any special forms filled out by the doctor.
  7. Be honest about your illness. Lying can get you in big trouble.
  8. If you can’t see a doctor, ask your school what other proof they’ll take.
  9. Some schools let you defer exams for other reasons too, like a death in the family.
  10. Remember, schools have rules about how often you can defer exams.

Now, let’s look at the support and resources schools offer during deferral.


Exam deferrals help students in tough times. They give a fair chance when life gets hard. Schools care about student health and success. Knowing the rules makes the process easier.

Students should use this option wisely when needed.


1. What are sick notes in universities?

Sick notes are papers that show you can’t do exams due to being ill. They help you ask for exam deferrals.

2. How do I get an exam deferral?

You can ask for an exam deferral if you’re sick or have a learning difficulty. You need to show proof to the school.

3. Can I defer an exam for reasons other than being sick?

Yes, you can ask for a deferral on compassionate grounds. This might be due to a family problem or other hard times.

4. What is the link between admission and exam deferrals?

When you join a uni, you agree to a contract. This contract may say how and when you can ask for exam deferrals.