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How Do Sick Notes Work UK: A Complete Guide for Employees and Employers

How Do Sick Notes Work UK: A Complete Guide for Employees and Employers

Understanding how sick notes work can be puzzling for both employees and employers. Did you know that a fit note is essential after seven days of sickness absence? This guide aims to clear up confusion by outlining the roles and responsibilities involved in managing sick leave effectively.

Discover everything you need to know, and keep reading!

Understanding Sick Leave and Fit Notes

Understanding sick leave and fit notes is crucial for both employees and employers. Sick leave allows employees to take time off work due to illness, while fit notes are medical statements from healthcare professionals indicating whether an employee is fit for work or not.

What is sick leave?

Sick leave serves as a period of absence from work permitted due to health problems. During this time, employees are not expected to perform their regular duties so they can focus on recovery.

The first seven days of sickness can be self-certified, meaning the employee informs their workplace without needing a doctor’s note. However, for absences longer than seven days due to illness, obtaining a Statement of Fitness for Work, commonly known as a fit note, from a registered healthcare professional is necessary.

Fit notes are crucial after the first week of absence; they officially document an employee’s health condition and capability regarding work.

A fit note provides insight into whether an individual is ‘not fit for work’ or ‘may be fit for some work’, offering suggestions like altered duties or reduced hours that could enable a return to work sooner.

These guidelines assist employers in understanding how best to support an employee’s return while remaining compliant with sick leave policies and ensuring workplace efficiency and safety.

What is a fit note?

A fit note is an official document issued by a registered healthcare professional, such as a GP, to provide details about an employee’s capability to work. It becomes necessary after the first seven days of sickness absence, which are self-certified by the employee.

The fit note includes information about the illness and may suggest adjustments that could facilitate the individual’s return to work, including amended duties or reduced hours. Depending on their condition, the fit note may state that the employee is either ‘not fit for work’ or ‘may be fit for some work’.

As part of employer responsibilities in managing workplace absence, it’s important for employers to request a fit note promptly when an employee is off sick.

Purpose of a fit note

A fit note is a crucial document that highlights an employee’s fitness for work, providing detailed information about their illness and suggesting potential ways to support their return to work.

It serves as a means of facilitating open communication between the healthcare professional, the employer, and the employee, ensuring everyone understands the impact of the illness on the individual’s ability to perform specific tasks.

Moreover, it helps employers make informed decisions about how best to support their employees during periods of ill-health by understanding any adjustments or modifications needed in the workplace.

The fit note plays a pivotal role in accommodating an employee’s health condition while promoting a safe and supportive work environment.

Furthermore, by detailing whether an employee is “not fit for work” or “may be fit for some work,” fit notes provide clear guidance on how much absence from work may be necessary based on medical advice.

This assists both employers and employees in making appropriate arrangements for sickness absence management while fostering transparency regarding the individual’s health status.

In addition to this, Fit Notes are also used as official documentation notifying employers when an absence is due to health problems. This ensures that genuine absences are appropriately documented and managed within an organisation.

Employee’s Responsibilities

To consider a fit note, employees should assess their ability to work and seek medical advice if necessary. Obtaining a fit note for absences longer than 7 days is the responsibility of the employee, which may involve consulting with a healthcare professional.

When to consider a fit note

After being sick for more than seven days, employees in the UK should consider obtaining a fit note from a registered healthcare professional. A fit note is necessary to provide formal documentation of their illness and suggest adjustments that could help them return to work.

This official statement certifies an employee’s fitness for work and offers recommendations on modified duties or reduced working hours, aiding both the employer and employee in managing the return to work process effectively.

It is crucial for employers to be aware of the requirement for a fit note after seven days of sickness absence and understand its purpose in facilitating an employee’s return to work.

Additionally, they must ensure compliance with employment laws when requesting a fit note from employees who are off sick, acknowledging its significance in maintaining appropriate records of health-related absences.

Obtaining a fit note

To obtain a fit note, employees must visit their GP or a healthcare professional as soon as they become unfit for work. Once at the appointment, employees should discuss their condition with the healthcare professional, including its impact on their ability to work and any adaptations that could help. The healthcare professional will then assess the employee’s fitness for work and issue a fit note if necessary. It’s important for employees to ensure they accurately communicate the details of their illness to receive the appropriate support.

  • After obtaining a fit note, employees should promptly submit it to their employer in compliance with sick leave policies and statutory requirements. Employers rely on fit notes to understand an employee’s absence due to health issues and determine how best to support their return to work. Employees can use keywords such as “fit note,” “sick leave policy,” and “employee rights” when discussing the process with healthcare professionals. By being proactive in obtaining and submitting fit notes, both employees and employers contribute to clear communication regarding sickness absence in the workplace.

Self-certifying for 7 days or less

For the first 7 days of sickness absence, employees can self-certify without the need for a fit note. During this period, employers should accept the employee’s statement of sickness as sufficient evidence. Here are some important details to understand about self-certifying for 7 days or less:

  1. Employees must notify their employer as soon as possible on the first day of absence.
  2. The employee is required to provide information about their illness and the expected duration of absence.
  3. It is essential for employees to keep their employer informed if their condition changes during this period.
  4. Employers should have a clear policy outlining the process for self-certification and how it should be communicated.

By following these guidelines, both employers and employees can ensure smooth handling of short-term sickness absences in accordance with statutory requirements and regulations.

Employer’s Responsibilities

Employers must request a fit note if an employee is absent for more than 7 days, cover the costs of fit notes and make accommodations for employees’ health conditions. For more details on employer responsibilities, read the full article.

Requesting a fit note for absences longer than 7 days

To request a fit note for absences longer than 7 days, employers should follow these steps:

  1. Ensure employees know the requirement for a fit note after seven days of absence.
  2. Request the fit note promptly once the absence exceeds seven days, as it is crucial for documentation and compliance.
  3. Communicate clearly with the employee about the need for a fit note and provide guidance on obtaining one from their healthcare professional.
  4. Respect the employee’s privacy and only ask for the necessary information contained in the fit note.
  5. Support employees in accessing healthcare if needed, ensuring they understand the process and options available to obtain the fit note.

Understanding these steps will help employers navigate the process of requesting a fit note effectively, ultimately supporting both their employees’ health and their business operations.

Covering the costs of fit notes

Employers are responsible for covering the costs of fit notes if they require one from an employee who has been absent due to illness for more than 7 days. The cost of a fit note may vary based on the policies and fees set by healthcare professionals, such as GPs or occupational therapists.

It’s essential for employers to have a clear understanding of their responsibilities regarding sick notes, including the financial aspects, to ensure compliance with employment regulations and support their employees’ health needs.

Understanding the expenses related to fit notes allows employers to budget appropriately for potential sick leave costs. By being aware of these costs, they can effectively manage resources and plan for any financial impact that prolonged sickness absence may have on their business operations.

Employers should also consider providing adequate support and guidance to employees on obtaining fit notes without facing undue financial burden in accessing necessary healthcare documentation.

Accommodating for employees’ health conditions

Employers can support employees with health conditions by making adjustments to their workload, providing flexible working hours, or offering alternative duties. It’s essential for employers to consider reasonable accommodations based on the employee’s fit note and medical advice.

For example, facilitating access to a physiotherapist or providing ergonomic equipment can assist employees in managing their health needs while at work.

Accommodating for employees’ health conditions not only ensures compliance with employment laws but also fosters a supportive and inclusive workplace culture. By being proactive in addressing employees’ health requirements, employers demonstrate a commitment to their workforce’s well-being and contribute to overall job satisfaction and productivity levels.

Additional Information and Resources

For further reading on sick notes and related topics, explore statutory sick pay, absence policies, managing workplace absence, employee rights, and employer responsibilities. You can also delve into the intricacies of self-certifying, obtaining fit notes, and covering costs for medical certificates.

Statutory sick pay

Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) is the minimum amount employers must pay employees who are too ill to work. It is paid for up to 28 weeks and begins after four or more days of sickness absence, including non-working days.

The standard rate for SSP is £96.35 per week, and it applies if an employee earns at least £120 a week before tax, as outlined in the sick leave policy. Employers have the responsibility to inform their staff about this entitlement and should also be aware that they may pay more through occupational sick pay schemes.

Employers usually reclaim SSP from HM Revenue and Customs using payroll software or by working with their outsourced payroll provider. Managing workplace absence which includes understanding statutory sick pay can help lessen the impact of absenteeism on business operations while ensuring compliance with employment laws and regulations, thereby safeguarding employee rights in cases of illness or injury.

Absence policies

Moving onto absence policies, it is crucial for employers to have clear and comprehensive guidelines in place for managing workplace absence. These policies should outline the procedure for requesting and handling sick notes from employees, ensuring compliance with employment laws and regulations.

Furthermore, it is essential to provide support and accommodations for employees who are dealing with health conditions that impact their ability to work.

Employers need to be aware of the rules and guidance surrounding sick notes, including understanding when they are required and what information they should include. Having a tailored absence policy assists in navigating the complexities of employee absenteeism while ensuring that both statutory requirements and employee rights are upheld.

It underpins a supportive approach towards managing sickness absences whilst maintaining productivity within the workforce.

Managing workplace absence

Employers play a crucial role in managing workplace absence. They should have clear policies in place for requesting and handling sick notes from employees, ensuring compliance with employment laws and regulations.

Understanding the rules and guidance surrounding sick notes is essential, including when they are required and what information they should contain. Employers must be prepared to accommodate their employees’ health conditions while maintaining productivity.

Employees also have responsibilities when it comes to managing workplace absence. They need to provide fit notes as soon as possible if requested by their employer for absences longer than 7 days.

Additionally, employees should self-certify for sickness absences of 7 days or less before obtaining a fit note from a healthcare professional.

Overall, effective management of workplace absence requires clear communication between employers and employees regarding the purpose and process of fit notes in the UK.

Employee rights and employer responsibilities

Transitioning from managing workplace absence to employee rights and employer responsibilities, it’s essential for employers to understand the legal framework surrounding sick notes.

Employees have the right to privacy regarding their health condition and medical information. Employers should only request fit notes when an employee has been absent for more than seven days.

The costs of obtaining a fit note are typically covered by the employee, but some employers may choose to reimburse these expenses as part of their absence policies.

Employers also have the responsibility to accommodate employees’ health conditions as much as reasonably possible, following guidelines provided in the fit note. This might involve adjusting duties or working hours based on medical recommendations.

Additionally, employers must be mindful of statutory sick pay regulations and ensure that they comply with employment laws related to sickness absence.

Understanding employee rights and adhering to employer responsibilities is vital for maintaining a healthy work environment while supporting employees’ well-being throughout their recovery process.


Understanding the process of sick notes in the UK is crucial for both employees and employers. Obtaining fit notes and complying with the responsibilities associated with them ensures a smooth transition back to work after illness.

Employers’ awareness of statutory obligations regarding fit notes can foster a supportive workplace environment for employees’ health needs. Clear communication between parties underpins effective management of sickness absence, promoting a healthy and productive work environment.


1. What does ‘How Do Sick Notes Work UK: A Complete Guide for Employees and Employers’ mean?

This guide explains the process of getting, giving, and using sick notes in the UK. It’s useful for both employees who need time off due to illness, and employers who manage staff absences.

2. Can you explain self-certifying in relation to sick notes in the UK?

Self-certifying is when an employee informs their employer they’re unwell and can’t work. In the UK, workers can self-certify for up to seven days without a sick note from a doctor.

3. How do employers handle sick notes in the UK?

Employers must understand how to accept and record sick notes properly. This ensures fair treatment of staff while keeping accurate records for payroll purposes.

4. What happens if I’m ill for more than seven days?

If you’re ill for more than seven days, you’ll need a formal sick note from your GP or hospital doctor instead of just self-certifying.